Fix your Xbox Yourself

Has Your Xbox 360 Got The Three Red Rings Of Death ?

Don't Spend $150 On Costly Repairs Fix It Yourself With This Complete Step By Step Guide!

Click Here To Download The Xbox 360 3 Red Lights Fix Now

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Three Red Lights Error

If your looking to a solution to that annoying three red lights error for your XBox 360, you're in the right place.

You might have already looked up a few of the free quick fixes that are out there like the towel fix, which admittedly works for a little bit of time but then 10 hours later you find your XBox 360's three red lights flashing in your face again.

You might even have considered sending your XBox away to be repaired, which if it's still under warranty really isn't too bad. If you have the time to spare (because it can take ages) then this is the preferable option so as no to void your warranty.

The big downside to being one of the first people in your neighbourhood to own an XBox 360 is that you end up having to find out all the problems, errors, and issues that they were too lazy to test in the factory.

I was pretty peeved when it happened to my XBox 360. I'm not much one for tv, but I have a giant plasma screen sitting in my lounge for high-def gaming. I was in the middle of project gotham racing 4 when the three red lights of death struck.

Who knew that three blinking red lights could cause so much heartache and disappointment.

Mine wasn't under warranty and the quote from the repair shop to repair the 3 red light problem error was almost as much as buying a new one.

So I got online and looked around for a solution.

There were a few quick fixes, and they worked for a little while, as in less than 24 hours. Then I found an ebook that totally solved my problems. It's the BEST repair guide out there.

There are a few of them out there that give you good information on how to fix the three red lights but this one has videos and everything.

Long story short I was able to repair my XBox 360 all by myself with just some regular household items, and I even fixed my buddy's one too. Maybe I should start charging people for my services, lol.

Seriously though, click on the links and buy the ebook.

You'll be doing yourself a favour, and you absolutely get what you pay for, and it has a money back guarantee.

In life, too often we go with the 'free' information, but after trying the free fixes on the net I wish I had just sucked it up and bought the ebook to start with. If you're not afraid of a screw driver, you'll be able to fix it yourself.

Even if it doesn't work for you, no harm done because your Xbox was already broken.

Give it a try and feel good about yourself for fixing those damn three red lights.

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